World’s first plastic-free supermarket opened in Amsterdam

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World’s first plastic-free supermarket opened in Amsterdam. We are here in the plastic free store of Ekoplaza Lab. Plastic Free Lab is located in Amsterdam and sells only plastic free items


World’s first plastic-free supermarket opened in Amsterdam

We are here in the plastic free store of Ekoplaza Lab

Plastic Free Lab is located in Amsterdam and sells only plastic free items

Pieter and kids, customers:
“Look! This looks like plastic, right?
But somehow it is biodegradable so that’s nice”

Steven, quality manager:
“Most products in this store are made from this special bio material.
It’s material that’s fully compostable in twelve weeks.
You can recognize it by the seedling logo on the packaging
which guarantees it is certified and compostable
You can put this with your Kitchen and Garden waste
In twelve weeks it will be fully composted”

Sophia, customer:
“I have been trying to cut down on my plastic
Which has been really difficult considering in the other stores around here
where for example you will get one pepper covered in plastic
So I was really happy to see this.”

Pieter and Kids, customers:
“I think it is good that they are doing this.
It looks like plastic but actually it is made from sugar cane.”

Steven, quality manager:
“An organic product doesn’t fit in an environmentally unfriendly packaging.
The function packaging has should be kept
But you need to get rid of the plastic
That’s the reason quite a lot of products are packaged.”

Henk, customer:
“I think eventually you’ll choose something that works best for you
I am prepared to take a detour to come to this shop.”

Gary and Tim, customers:
“The fact we travelled here from the UK to see this, says a lot”

Pieter and kids, customers:
“I am willing to pay a bit more
It should not get out of hand,
But in general I think it is worth it.”

Sophia, customer:
“It is a bit out of my price range, being a student
But I am definitely going to make more of an effort
And if I want to treat myself to something
I would come here first
Getting my plastic free chocolate.”

Pieter and kids, customer:
“The best thing will be if this becomes the standard in supermarkets
Every kind of packaging made FROM biodegradable products”

Steven, quality manager:
“The current story doesn’t sound right
In the past, it wasn’t possible to change this
Now we have to take the next step”

Comment if you are willing to pay extra for plastic free products.


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